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Fortalecimento da Implementação do Financiamento Climático: O Caminho do Brasil na Presidência do G20 à COP30
Relatório organizado em conjunto com iCS, CEBRI e CONCITO fornece recomendações para pautar o diálogo internacional sobre financiamento climático e ações para o governo brasileiro no âmbito do G20.
Public Financial Institutions' Climate Commitments: 2023 Update
This report examines PFIs’ approaches, commitments, and actions on climate finance in order to help identify gaps and opportunities for further action. In addition to tracking the commitments of largest PFIs, CPI has reviewed the climate strategies of 49 micro- to medium-sized PFIs in emerging markets and developing economies to identify examples of best practices.
Landscape of Guarantees for Climate Finance in EMDEs
Cross-border guarantees are an important but underused tool for leveraging private capital in climate finance, particularly for emerging markets and developing economies. CPI conducted a comprehensive scoping analysis to gain a baseline understanding of the global landscape of guarantees. These instruments were analyzed based on financial instrument coverage, sector and climate focus, geographic reach, and types of risk coverage.
Enhancing MDB-NDB cooperation: Understanding climate finance flows and Paris alignment
This report aims to establish an understanding of the state of both climate finance flows and climate mainstreaming across public development banks. It also presents recommendations for enhancing the effectiveness and frequency of MDB–NDB engagement on climate finance, as well as ecosystem-wide progress on climate mainstreaming.
Net Zero Finance Tracker
The NZFT is a first-of-its-kind collaborative and interactive data platform that aims to provide a comprehensive assessment of how private financial institutions are progressing on their climate commitments and delivering impact on the ground.
NZFT: Methodology and data sources
Download the Net Zero Finance Tracker methodology and list of data sources.
Um Modelo Operacional Inovador para as Instituições Financeiras Internacionais do Século XXI
O Climate Policy Initiative produziu um relatório que apresenta produtos e processos para a implementação mais eficaz do financiamento climático para os mercados emergentes e as economias em desenvolvimento.
An Innovative IFI Operating Model for the 21st Century
A collection of resources to help guide international financial institutions’ ability to mobilize significantly larger volumes of climate finance
Discussion Paper: An Innovative IFI Operating Model for the 21st Century
This paper lays out key products and processes that need to be introduced, reformed, and/or scaled to effectively deploy new volumes of climate finance, focusing on multilateral development banks.