

Indonesia Blue Finance Landscape

CPI’s latest study captures the landscape of blue finance in Indonesia and further examines the extent of available financing access for MSMEs.

CPI adalah organisasi analisis dan penasehat yang bekerja dengan keahlian mendalam di bidang keuangan dan kebijakan. Misi kami untuk membantu pemerintah, bisnis, dan lembaga keuangan mendorong pertumbuhan ekonomi dan mengatasi perubahan iklim.

Pekerjaan terbaru


Leveraging NDC updates to bridge the climate finance gap

In this blog, Caroline Alberti, Analyst at CPI, provides insights and recommendations for the upcoming updates of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), which offer a fresh opportunity to scale up climate finance this year.


Public Development Banks’ Climate Commitments 2024 

This latest tracking of public development banks’ climate ambition provides important insights on where their support for the climate transition is strongest, and where greater efforts are needed to raise their commitments.


Building AI/ML tools to track public development banks' climate ambition

This blog outlines CPI’s new methodology utilizing artificial intelligence and machine learning tools to process large primary datasets, leading to deeper analytical insights into PDBs’ climate commitments.


Guaranteeing change: mapping the landscape of guarantees in Africa

The disparity between Africa’s climate finance requirements and existing funding is stark. With an urgent need for catalytic interventions to bridge the gap, guarantees offer one such solution.


Climate Finance Roadmaps

This report lays out CPI’s proposed approach to building Climate Finance Roadmaps, including methodological steps, assumptions made, data points required, and expected outputs.  


Building Financial Instruments for Climate Adaptation 

Drawing on lessons learned from past instruments, the Lab has identified five key steps for structuring adaptation-focused financial instruments that deliver results.


Credit Where It’s Due: Financial Institutions and Credit for Deforested Properties

This study reveals that subsidized rural credit has been widely channeled by various financial institutions to finance producers who allowed the destruction of native vegetation.


Lab Alumni share insights on scaling climate finance

Learn how innovative climate finance solutions are scaling impact. This blog post features insights innovators on leveraging guarantees, standardizing approaches, and investing in nature-based solutions to address climate change.


Where Does Brazil Stand with the Implementation of the Forest Code? A Snapshot of CAR and PRA in Brazilian States – 2024 Edition

The report presents an unprecedented overview of the implementation of the Forest Code in Brazilian states, featuring updated 2024 data.

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