
Yash Kashyap is a Senior Analyst at CPI’s New Delhi office, where he focuses on issues pertaining to the energy transition and decarbonization, and the technologies, finance mechanisms and policies required to address these issues.

Prior to CPI, Yash worked as an Analyst at South Pole Carbon Asset Management in Zurich, where he led the work on the development of a credit guarantee instrument to catalyze lending for cleantech innovation in India, and contributed to several other projects in the areas of climate finance, circular economy and climate adaptation. He also conducted research at IIT-Delhi’s School of Public Policy on questions related to clean energy entrepreneurship in India. Besides, he has published in the ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering and also co-manages a podcast called Energizing Transitions.

He holds a Master’s degree in Energy Science and Technology from ETH Zurich and a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Vellore Institute of Technology, India.


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