Climate Policy Initiative experts hosted and presented at several events at COP23 that covered the global landscape of climate finance, emerging instruments to drive sustainable finance, approaches to achieve the transformation towards low-carbon climate resilient development pathways, and other topics.
Climate finance: Emerging instruments for mitigation in agriculture
November 9, 2017, 11:30-13:00
Meeting Room 10, Bonn Zone
Hosted by the CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), Climate Policy Initiative, and the Climate-Smart Lending Platform in collaboration with the International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) and the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), this panel event will focus on developing countries’ urgent need for finance to meet climate change mitigation commitments in the agriculture sector. Speakers will describe emerging instruments for climate-contingent finance in agriculture and identify needs for evidence and action to support them.
Speakers and panelists include:
- Angela Falconer, Associate Director, Climate Policy Initiative
- Gabriela Weber de Morais, Environmental and Social Compliance Associate, Finance in Motion
- Mark Ellis-Jones, CEO, F3 Life
- Alex Mulisa, Coordinator, Rwanda’s Green Fund (FONERWA)
- Ash Sharma, Senior Adviser to the NAMA Facility
- Lini Wollenberg, CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS)
- Elizabeth (Lizzie) Teague, Environmental Performance Manager, Root Capital
- Juan Chang, Senior Forest and Land Use Specialist, Green Climate Fund
- Fraser Brown, Climate-Smart Lending Platform
More information can be found by clicking here.
What is excellence in climate adaptation?
November 9, 2017, 15:00-16:30
Meeting Room 10, Bonn Zone
Many governments, NGO’s, businesses, financial organisations, knowledge institutes, and international organisations are engaged in climate adaptation projects. They face similar challenges but fail to connect adequately to each other to share knowledge and best practices. To become more effective in climate adaptation, we need to create a common understanding of what effective adaptation is and how this can be measured. This panel event is hosted by the Global Center of Excellence in Climate Adaptation.
- Christiaan Wallet, GCECA Operations Director
- Suada Ibrahim, Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre
- Richard Klein, Stockholm Environment Institute
- Barney Dickson, UN Environment
- Craig Davies, EBRD
- Henk Ovink, World Water Works
- Saleemul Huq, ICCCAD
- Nick Craven, International Union of Railways
- Angela Falconer, CPI
- Vivienne Parry, Moderator, Genomics England
- Julie Arrighi, Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre
Resilience as a Business: How the Private Sector Can Turn Climate Risk into Business and Investment
November 10, 2017, 17:30-20:00
Hotel Hilton, Bonn
Acknowledging the pivotal role of the private sector in mainstreaming adaptation and driving the resilience agenda, this panel will bring together corporate stakeholders and private investor to explore how to further develop the business ecosystem and support investable resilience solutions. The panel will look at:
1) how private sector companies can attract financing and investments for their innovative solutions to climate threats;
2) how corporations effectively analyze and address risk within their supply chains, and
3) how financial institutions and investors can fill the financing gap and identify new investment instruments.
- Introductory Remarks by Representative from Nordic Development Fund
- Moderator: Amal-Lee Amin, Chief, Climate Change and Sustainability, Inter-American Development Bank.
- Representative from Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry of Japan (TBC)
- Mari Yoshitaka, Chief Consultant of Clean Energy Finance Division, Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities Co. Ltd.
- Barbara Buchner, Executive Director of Climate Finance Program, Climate Policy Initiative
- Jay Koh, Founder and Chair of GARI, and Managing Director of The Lightsmith Group
- Nik Steinberg, Director Climate Analytics at Four Twenty Seven, Inc.
The panel discussion will be followed by social networking at a cocktail reception at 7:00pm. RSVP to proadapt@fomin.org.
IDFC Climate Day
November 11, 2017
Hilton Hotel, Frankfurt, Germany
Organized by the International Development Finance Club (IDFC) and hosted by KfW, this year’s Forum will focus on how to align today’s decisions and actions with long-term impacts from the perspective of both financial institutions and decision makers in cities and communities. CPI serves as an event partner for the Forum. For more information, or to register, click here.
Scaling up private finance for climate resilience in developing countries
November 13, 2017, 11:15– 12:45
European Pavilion, Bonn Zone
From 2003 and 2013, natural disasters caused $1.5 trillion in economic damages worldwide, with $550 billion in developing countries. As climate change worsens, so will these challenges, with sectors like agriculture and infrastructure particularly vulnerable. There are emerging solutions for scaling private finance for climate resilience. For example, the Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance has launched financial instruments that have raised close to $1 billion for climate projects. This panel will bring together experts to share emerging tools and lessons learned to drive private finance for climate resilience in developing countries, including through the effective use of public funds.
High-level welcoming remarks: Jorge Moreira da Silva, Director, Development Co-operation Directorate, OECD
Confirmed panelists:
- Ayaan Adam, Director of the Private Sector Facility, Green Climate Fund
- Barbara Buchner, Executive Director, Climate Finance, Climate Policy Initiative
- Saleemul Huq, Senior Fellow, Climate Change, IIED and Director, International Centre for Climate Change & Development
- Astrid Manroth, Director Transformative Energy Partnerships, African Development Bank Group (AfDB)
- Peter Odhengo, Climate Finance Policy Advisor, National Treasury, Kenya
- Josh Sawislak, Global Director of Resilience, Aecom
Moderated by Yvo de Boer, Partner, SRI Executive and former Executive Secretary, UNFCCC
Food Security
November 13, 2017, 12:30– 13:45
Brasil Pavilion, Bonn Zone
The objective of the Panel is to discuss and understand how to increase food production in Brazil in the coming years. In line with the goals of sustainable development (ODS), it aims to address issues such as productivity, restoration of native vegetation, among others. The agricultural frontier has been expanding over the last four decades, mainly for the intensive use of knowledge and technology. In this debate, it is sought to make a brief discussion of the expansion of the agricultural frontier in Brazil, seeking to identify the structural logistic challenges for promoting agribusiness.
Confirmed panelists:
- Joana Chiavari, Senior Analyst, Climate Policy Initiative
- Marcelo Vieira, Sociedade Rural Brasileira
- André Guimarães, Instituto de Pesquisa Ambiental
Policy and finance to achieve transformation – Mobilizing private capital for the most challenging sectors, markets, and technologies
November 13, 2017, 18:30–20.00
Meeting Room 7, Bonn Zone
Although investments in climate change mitigation and adaptation are flowing, meeting the Paris Agreement goals will require a huge increase in finance. A substantial portion will need to come from the private sector. While the business case for investment in large-scale wind and solar technologies is growing, sectors such as adaptation, land use, distributed solar, geothermal, Concentrated Solar Power (CSP), and energy efficiency face a range of barriers preventing greater private sector involvement. Enabling environments and conducive policy frameworks can help to unlock the transformation needed across the economy.
Developing ambitious policies and mobilizing financing are needed to achieve the transformation towards low carbon and climate resilient development pathways. It is especially important to address the need for mobilizing private capital for the most challenging sectors, markets, and technologies.
This side event, hosted jointly by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, Climate Policy Initiative (CPI), and the Observatoire du Sahara et du Sahel (OSS), presents successful approaches and innovative models to achieve transformation. High-level leaders from international organizations, government, financial institutions, and the private sector will discuss emerging solutions on how to get finance to flow for the next wave of investment addressing climate change and implementing the Paris Agreement.
This event will be translated into French. Appetizers will be served following.
Moderator: Dr. Barbara Buchner, Executive Director, Climate Finance, Climate Policy Initiative
Panelists include:
- Ayaan Adam, Director of the Private Sector Facility, Green Climate Fund
- Dr. Abdoulaye DIA, Executive Secretary, Pan-African Agency of the Great Green Wall (PAGGW)
- Hon. Amedi Camara, Minister of Environment, Mauritania
- Jay Koh, Managing Director, The Lightsmith Group
- Juliana Santiago, Head of the Amazon Fund, BNDES
- Dr. Jorge Wolpert Kuri, Director General, CONAVI (National Housing Commission Mexico)
Introduction by Khatim Kherraz, Executive Secretary, OSS
Closing by Vera Scholz, Head of Department, Climate, Environment, Infrastructure, GIZ
Private Sector Action on Adaptation & Climate Resilience
November 14, 2017, 10:00– 11:00
EIB Pavilion, Bonn Zone
This event discusses private sector adaptation and climate resilience action, focusing on services, products and investment. An expert panel will provide an overview of adaptation finance flows, projects mapping climate resilience and adaptation services and products in the EU and Japan, and the first private adaptation and climate resilience investment fund. It discusses the role of the private sector in providing services, products and finance for climate resilience and adaptation.
- Martin Berg/Nancy Saich, EIB
- Angela Falconer, Climate Policy Initiative
- Suzi Maurice, MARCO
- Mari Yoshitaka, Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley (MUMSS)
- Jay Koh, The Lightsmith Group
Financing Brazil’s NDCs through innovation: The experience of the Brasil Lab
November 14, 2017, 11:00– 12:10
Brazil Pavilion, Bonn Zone
Brazil aims to reduce emissions by 37% by 2025, mostly through changes in its land use and energy sectors. Like in many emerging economies however, funding to meet these targets remains a challenge. In October 2016, a group of public and private investors – the Brasil Innovation Lab for Climate Finance – was established to tackle this challenge. The Brasil Lab identifies, develops, and supports the implementation of transformative climate finance instruments that can drive investment toward Brazil’s national climate priorities.
In its first cycle, the Brasil Lab has developed and endorsed three innovative financial instruments that have the potential to unlock investment in energy efficiency, renewable energy, and sustainable cattle ranching.
This panel event will bring together public and private sector members of the Brasil Lab, finance innovators, and climate finance experts to discuss the lessons learned from Brasil Lab’s first cycle, the challenges and opportunities of investing in climate finance in Brazil, and the key areas for climate action in the country.
This event will also be an opportunity to learn more about the currently open call for ideas for new instruments that can address the priority sectors identified in Brazil’s nationally determined contribution. Selected instruments from this call will be developed in the 2018 cycle of the Brasil Lab, receiving significant analytical and business development support from a wide range of experts.
Introductory remarks from: Ambassador J. Antonio Marcondes, Under Secretary-General for the Environment, Energy, Science and Technology, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Brazil
Confirmed Panelists:
- Amal-Lee Amin, Chief of the Climate Change Division, Inter-American Development Bank
- Pedro Moura Costa, Founder and President, BVRio Environmental Exchange Platform
- Anna Lucia Horta, Business and Investment Officer, the Nature Conservancy
- Paulo Todaro, Managing Partner, Albion Capital
Moderator: Dr. Barbara Buchner, Head of Brasil Lab and Executive Director of Climate Finance, Climate Policy Initiative
Financing Sustainable Energy & Infrastructure through Innovation – Lessons from the Lab
November 14, 2017, 13:00-14:15
UK Pavilion, Bonn Zone
Over one billion people still live without access to electricity, while another 780 million lack access to clean water. As investors and decision makers look to build sustainable, resilient infrastructure that meets the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement, financing has emerged as a key challenge.
The Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance (the Lab) identifies, develops, and accelerates innovative sustainable financing solutions. In just under three years, Lab instruments have mobilized USD 977 million for renewable energy, energy efficiency, and sustainable infrastructure in developing countries.
This panel event will bring together high-level public and private sector leaders from the Lab to discuss best practices and lessons learned from their experience unlocking investment for sustainable energy and infrastructure.
Introductory remarks:
- Peter Betts, Director, International Climate and Energy, Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, UK government
- Carola van Rijnsoever, Ambassador for Sustainable Development, the Netherlands
- Lorenzo Bernasconi, Senior Associate Director, The Rockefeller Foundation
- Peter Betts, Director, International Climate and Energy, Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy, UK government
- Harald Hirschhofer, Senior Advisor, Currency Exchange Fund (TCX)
- Andrew Johnstone, CEO Climate Fund Managers
- Karsten Sach, Director General Climate Policy, European & International Policy, Federal Ministry for Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB), Germany
Moderated by Dr. Barbara Buchner, Director of the Lab Secretariat and Executive Director, Climate Finance, Climate Policy Initiative
Impact investing: the next frontier for climate
November 15, 2017, 16:00-17:00
World Climate Summit
Kameha Grand Hotel, Bonn
While progress has been made in scaling up capital in ways that address climate change, gaps remain. Blended finance and impact investing are increasingly seen as potential tools to help achieve both social and financial returns. However, it can be difficult for investors to sort out the best, most transformative solutions that also achieve desired return on investment. This Climate Policy Initiative-led panel event brings together high-level public and private sector actors from the Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance and other groups to share their experience, solutions, and best practices for unlocking impact investment for addressing climate change.
Confirmed speakers include:
- Lorenzo Bernasconi, Senior Associate Director, The Rockefeller Foundation
- Upendra Bhatt, Co-founder, cKinetics and Director, cKers Finance Board
- Dr. Harald Hirschover, Senior Advisor, the Currency Exchange Fund
- Abyd Karmali, Managing Director, Climate Finance at Bank of America Merrill Lynch
- Andrew Johnstone, CEO of Climate Fund Managers
- Moderated by Dr. Barbara Buchner, Director of the Lab Secretariat and Executive Director, Climate Finance, Climate Policy Initiative
More information, or to register for the Summit, click here.
South-South climate cooperation to drive Paris Agreement implementing at the national and regional level
November 17, 2017, 11:30 -13:00
Meeting Room 1, Bonn Zone
This UN side event, hosted by Belt and Road Green Development Partnership, will explore the governance, financial, and technological demands facing developing countries in implementing the Paris Agreement to identify and manage the risks and opportunities in South-South cooperation, with comparative studies at the national and regional levels in Southeast, Central, and South Asia.
Speakers include:
- Ji Zou, President, Energy Foundation China
- Tiza Mafira, Senior Analyst, Climate Policy Initiative (Indonesia)
- Representative from Vietnamese government (TBC)
- Qimin Chai, Director, International Cooperation Department, National Center for Climate Change Strategy, National Development and Reform Committee of China
- Representative from Yingli Solar Group (TBC)
The panel will be facilitated by Paula Caballe, Global Director of Climate Program, World Resource Institute, with an opening speech from Xiaohua Zhang, Senior Policy Consultant of the office of the UN Secretary – General and the Director of South-South Climate Cooperation Partnership Incubator.