The Paris Agreement marked a new era in climate policy, and with it, a new imperative to accelerate climate action. Developing countries need support to build the capacity to create the legal, policy, financial, and institutional frameworks to mobilize public and private finance quickly, and at scale. Delay will increase the economic cost and threaten the feasibility of the Paris goals.
CPI is attending the Global NDC Conference 2017 in Germany today and excited to see the range of support available to countries looking to accelerate implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and raise ambition on green growth. We are also in Berlin to promote a new partnership called GNIplus that we believe can provide governments with the best available policy, technical, financial, governance, and legal expertise to support countries implementing NDCs by combining the strengths of three world-leading organizations – Climate Policy Initiative (CPI), AECOM, and Baker McKenzie.
GNIplus responds to this urgent need by drawing on its partners expertise to support governments to embed the fundamental regulatory and financial prerequisites of long-term, sustainable growth and development, and mobilize private investment. GNIplus will deliver concrete, practical actions to: reform legal, policy, financial, institutional, and governance frameworks; stress-test the designs of infrastructure projects; and develop financial tools and instruments to de-risk investment and mobilize private finance at scale.
The GNIplus partners are already collaborating deeply with governments, multilateral agencies, and private investors to facilitate climate action and <a href="http://will work together to support and enhance existing national strategies and initiatives to maximize impact, starting in Kenya.
So what makes GNIplus unique?
GNIplus partners have a proven ability to implement actions on the ground. We have the skills and experience to draft policy and legislation, assess the technical feasibility of infrastructure projects, access public finance, engage private investors, and design public-private financing instruments. GNIplus will deliver tangible implementing actions, not another report that will be shelved.
2. PRIVATE SECTOR FOCUS WITH PUBLIC SECTOR EXPERTISE GNIplus combines public and private sector experts and experience, with a deep understanding of their goals, requirements, and processes. GNIplus can therefore facilitate public–private engagement and support the design of effective policies and financial instruments to mobilize private investment and enable the private sector to take up low-carbon, climate resilient investment opportunities.
Our long history of in-country expertise and operational presence on the ground in 162 countries means that we are ready-to-go. GNIplus is also a flexible initiative that can keep pace with the private sector; our experts can respond to identified needs, fill gaps and complement other national and international actors – offering bespoke solutions with potential to scale. We will promote swift, effective action by collaborating with other actors to maximize synergies, build on lessons learned and avoid duplication. GNIplus will therefore accelerate NDC implementation.
GNIplus partners understand the importance of country ownership and the need for NDC implementation to be nationally driven. We have extensive local networks and existing collaborations with national governments, communities, NGOs, development banks, and investors. GNIplus partners have a track record of building local expertise and capacity. By using a ‘train the trainer’ model we aim to ensure local policy-makers, lawyers, economists, engineers, and others are able to take ownership of the NDC implementation plan. GNIplus will make a sustainable, long-term impact.
GNIplus partners have extensive local presence and knowledge through our offices in 162 countries. We are also deeply connected at a global level, with existing collaborations with global actors – from UN bodies to multilateral agencies, development banks, climate funds, and international investors. This enables us to advise national governments on the requirements of international law; international climate finance flows, actors and processes to support access to finance for NDC implementation, and the requirements of the Paris Agreement.