
Dr. Barbara Buchner presented the Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance at a high-level finance gathering at the United Nations on Monday.

From the UN press release:

United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon announced today the launch of a new platform for scaling up innovative finance solutions to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 at a meeting with high-level officials from ministries of finance and foreign affairs, together with leaders from major global financial institutions.

The Secretary-General, in an address to the high-level finance gathering, said, “This global initiative can support the identification and piloting of innovative finance instruments that can drive investment and support well thought-out SDG interventions.”

“As well as launching innovative financing solutions,” he added, “the Platform would engage key Development actors, including Governments, civil society, philanthropic organizations, entrepreneurs, institutional investors, banks, project developers and development finance institutions.”

Mr. Ban said, “I hope the proposed Financial Innovation Platform will provide the best possible know-how to support the incoming Secretary-General as we work to scale up our efforts and ambition.”

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