
CPI Indonesia’s Director, Suzanty Sitorus, participated in ADB’s Regional Consultation Workshop to discuss the Climate Change Strategic Framework 2017-2030. This workshop was held on the 6th of March 2017, in Manila, Philippines. Suzanty was one of the panelists in ‘Meeting the Climate Challenge Towards 2030: Implementing the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and Other Climate Strategies’ session. She presented CPI’s work to improve the understanding of the climate finance landscape and ways to enhance the effectiveness of both public and private finance for climate action at scale; and to identify and pilot innovative financing instruments to shift and drive forward investments into climate mitigation and adaptation in developing countries. All these works provide a supporting platform for governments in implementing their NDCs.

The Climate Change Strategic Framework, covering the period of 2017-2030 (CCSF2030), is intended to provide the broad direction and guidance for enhancing climate resilience and strengthening climate actions in ADB’s operations and business processes. It will position ADB to facilitate, collaboratively and proactively, a regional shift toward a low GHG emission and climate-resilient development path. The CCSF2030 will be essential in supporting ADB’s forthcoming and broader corporate strategy.

To enhance the development of CCSF2030, a two-day consultation workshop with Developing Member Country (DMC) representatives was held on 6-7 March 2017 at the ADB headquarters in Manila. The DMC consultation aimed at validating ADB’s proposed directions on climate change and how they address and align with the needs and priorities of DMCs. Fifty-eight representatives from the ministries of finance, environment and climate change involved in planning and policy formulation or project implementation from 36 DMCs participated at the workshop.


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