CPI’s Global Managing Director, Barbara Buchner, will participate in the roundtable event brought together by the Independent High Level Expert Group on Climate Finance, which developed the “Finance for climate action” report for COP27. Other thought leaders and decision-makers from both the public and private sectors and from across the global South and North will also join the meeting. The objectives of the roundtable include:
- Taking stock of progress and innovative vehicles established since Glasgow, in the context of public finance, ongoing IFI reform and private sector-led, with a particular focus on synergies between different instruments.
- Identifying the component pieces of this new architecture of instruments for climate finance, across concessional instruments as well as commercial vehicles, and how to combine them to deliver an inclusive, catalytic and scalable climate finance package.
- Identifying gaps that may need further action or targeted interventions to overcome barriers.
- Laying out the roadmap of actions that need to be taken at COP28 and beyond into COP29 and COP30, to enable this broader and innovative architecture to become a reality and start delivering.
The roundtable will build on the Paris Summit on a New Global Financing Pact and the agenda being developed for the G20 Summit to define the contours of a new architecture for climate finance resource mobilization that can rebuild trust between the global South and North. Participants will be asked to work together to develop a detailed outline of the report to be presented by the IHLEG at COP28, as well as an engagement plan with key stakeholders that will require to take action along this roadmap.