Cidades Sustentáveis
À medida que o mundo aumenta a urbanização , as cidades devem estar no centro dos esforços globais para reduzir as emissões de gases de efeito estufa e os riscos das mudanças climáticas. As cidades não apenas respondem por 70% das emissões globais de CO2 provenientes do uso de energia, como também estão na linha de frente da vulnerabilidade às mudanças climáticas, com a maioria já enfrentando impactos prejudiciais para seus habitantes e infraestrutura como resultado de eventos climáticos extremos. Para lidar com essa situação, são necessários trilhões de dólares para o financiamento de ações climáticas nas cidades – evidenciando uma lacuna significativa de investimento em soluções climáticas urbanas.
O CPI é o Secretariado da Aliança de Liderança para o Financiamento Climático das Cidades (Cities Climate Finance Leadership Alliance – CCFLA), a única coligação multinível e com vários stakeholders que visa fechar a lacuna de investimento em projetos e infraestrutura urbanos climáticos subnacionais em nível mundial. A CCFLA fornece uma plataforma para que todos os atores relevantes dedicados à ação climática urbana se reúnam e troquem conhecimentos. Publica também pesquisas contemplando temas fundamentais, incluindo o estado do financiamento climático das cidades, o aumento do financiamento para edifícios com emissões zero de carbono e o financiamento da adaptação urbana.
Publicações em destaque
Blog | Can Cities Bank on a Greener Future? Insights from London Climate Action Week 2024
In June, CCFLA actively participated in several events during LCAW. This year’s forum brought together a diverse group of individuals, organizations, and communities to engage in critical discussions on global climate action, with a particular focus on accelerating climate finance and mobilizing all sectors of society to address the climate crisis. After careful reflection, the CCFLA team is excited to share our key insights and takeaways on the prominent themes that emerged, particularly concerning cities and climate finance.
One year of the Project Preparation Facility Connector
Since launching in June 2023, the PPF Connector program has laid the foundation for enhanced collaboration through matchmaking and relationship building by facilitating bilateral meetings, presentations, and matchmaking sessions.
Publicações recentes
CCFLA: 2023 Impact Report
Learn about CCFLA’s 2023 impact in closing the investment gap for urban subnational climate projects and infrastructure worldwide.
Financing Green Buildings in Indonesian Cities
This report is the third of a three-part series by CCFLA to promote a better understanding of the financing barriers and solutions for implementing net zero carbon buildings. It assesses the current use of financial instruments that can promote the development of Indonesia’s green buildings sector. It also explores how national and subnational regulatory frameworks can address the identified barriers to private and public investment.
Blog: Urban climate finance is a low-hanging fruit of MDB reform
Cities are not receiving the finance they need to adapt to the effects of climate change. Multilateral development banks, by leveraging their balance sheets and technical expertise, can be a cornerstone in attracting the financing needed for cities in low- and middle-income countries to realize their climate action plans.
COP28 Recap: CCFLA’s Impactful Engagement in Advancing Urban Climate Finance
As COP28 closes with a groundbreaking commitment to transition away from fossil fuels making headlines across the media landscape, the CCFLA team has taken time to reflect on the progress made during this year’s conference in driving our mission forward—to accelerate urban climate finance.
Accelerating Urban Climate Finance in Low- and Middle- Income Countries: An important strategic dimension of MDB reform
This report presents the first assessment of ten MDBs’ contributions to urban climate finance in L&MICs and explores opportunities for them to do more.
Financing Net Zero Carbon Buildings in Nigeria
This report is part of a three-part series led by CCFLA to promote an understanding of financing barriers to net zero carbon building and identifies how national, state, and local policy and regulatory frameworks can be improved to drive private and public investment in this sector.