Descarbonização e Objetivos de Zero Carbono (Net Zero Goals)
Uma parte importante do trabalho do CPI é desenvolver análises e ferramentas para garantir que os esforços públicos e privados em relação às metas do Acordo de Paris sejam viáveis, íntegros e escalonáveis. O trabalho do CPI nesta área inclui o Quadro para a Integridade Financeira Sustentável (Framework for Sustainable Finance Integrity) e o Rastreador de Finanças Zero Carbono (Net Zero Finance Tracker).
Publicações em destaque
Financiamento para a Bioeconomia no Brasil: Fontes e Destinação dos Recursos
Novo estudo do CPI/PUC-Rio apresenta um mapeamento do financiamento para Bioeconomia no Brasil entre 2021 e 2023.
Publicações recentes
Financiando uma Bioeconomia Global Sustentável
Grupo de 20 organizações realizaram análise ampla do cenário atual do financiamento para bioeconomia em âmbito global, com o intuito de apoiar a Iniciativa de Bioeconomia do G20.
A Roadmap for Green and Transition Finance in India
The green transition has become crucial for global economies, with governments, regulators, and the private sector implementing strategies to reduce emissions and foster green opportunities. However, the financing landscape is skewed toward mitigation sectors like renewable energy and transport, leaving hard-to-abate sectors underfunded despite their substantial carbon-removal potential.
Ferramentas para Impulsionar o Financiamento de Soluções Baseadas na Natureza
Novo estudo, elaborado para informar o Grupo de Trabalho em Finanças Sustentáveis (SFWG) do G20, identifica três abordagens para impulsionar o investimento em Soluções Baseadas na Natureza.
Climate Finance Reform Compass
CPI has created the Climate Finance Reform Compass to facilitate consensus and coordinate action among governments, civil society, and the private sector on the full range of international financial architecture reforms needed to meet the global climate challenge. It identifies pragmatic goals and milestones for action across nine thematic areas and 29 key reforms, noting the current status, key resources, and where we need to be by 2030. The themes below are used to organize and promote consistency across the individual reform topics included in the Compass. They align with the principles laid out in the COP28 UAE leaders’ declaration on a Global Climate Finance Framework. Our hope is that this information will help to focus efforts on actions where change could happen.
Managing Currency Risk to Catalyze Climate Finance
This report explores innovative approaches to managing currency risks in order to catalyze climate finance in emerging markets and developing economies.
Carbon Rating Framework
The Carbon Rating Framework is envisioned as a tool to facilitate transition finance by providing a standardized method to evaluate and compare the carbon intensity of companies. It could serve as a valuable input for financial institutions, helping them to channel capital more effectively towards projects that contribute to the global climate goals. The paper highlights areas for future research, including the potential expansion of the framework to include Scope 3 emissions and other environmental factors, as well as how credit rating agencies and banks might adopt and adapt the framework.