Thursday, 2 July 2020
6am ET / 11am BST / noon CEST / 5pm ICT
This event, co-hosted by the UK (as COP26 Presidency), Germany (as convener of the Petersberg Climate Dialogue), and Climate Policy Initiative, during London Climate Action Week will focus on the tangible policies and financing solutions for a green recovery that are informed by Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), and which in turn can help countries to be more ambitious in their long term strategies to address climate change.
The discussion will build on and explore further the themes that emerged from the Petersberg Climate Dialogue finance session. During that session, high-level representatives and practitioners from the public and private sector stressed that we must continue ambitious action on climate change as the world convalesces from the pandemic, particularly as trillions are spent on economic stimulus, emphasizing that good policy is a critical enabler and that having recovery funding be informed by and inform NDC development will be key to long-term climate action and build a more resilient future.
Drawing on perspectives from a range of stakeholders, this event will highlight the old maxim that a little planning goes a long way when it comes to designing and implementing policies that lead to desired outcomes. What is good policy in the context of stimulus funding for post-COVID recovery? How can a green recovery both utilize NDCs and inform their evolution? Can countries benchmark their proposed actions against others that are considered good practice, as some stimulus packages are already being disbursed? And once the policy frameworks are in place, what are some of the interventions that can help achieve the dual goal of having economies recover while enhancing ambition embodied in NDCs?
Confirmed speakers include:
- Barbara Buchner, Global Managing Director, CPI
- Anthony Hobley, Executive Director, Mission Possible Platform, World Economic Forum
- Carlos Manuel Rodriguez, Costa Rican Environment and Energy Minister and incoming CEO, Global Environment Facility
- Melissa McDonald, Head of Responsible Investment, HSBC
- Svenja Schulze, Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, Germany
- Alok Sharma, Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and COP26, UK
Social media resources:
- Hashtag: #LCAW2020 #LDNClimateAction
- Organizers: @COP26 | @iki_bmu | @climatepolicy
- Livestream link: bit.ly/PCDLCAW