Climate Policy Initiative experts will host and present at several sessions at the 2nd Global RE-INVEST in Greater Noida, October 03-05.
U.S.-India Clean Energy Finance Task Force: Demand Aggregation Panel
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
14:30 – 16:00, Hall 6A
It is a high-level session moderated by CPI. Shri Anand Kumar, Secretary, India’s Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) and a U.S. Department of State Senior Official are expected to deliver opening remarks and sign a Statement of Intent on the Task Force’s work. A panel will follow that features demand aggregation approaches deployed at the distribution level in the United States, including community solar and the solarize campaign models, that have application to the local contexts of Bihar and Delhi.
Speakers and panelists include:
- Gireesh Shrimali, Senior Advisor, Former India Director, Climate Policy Initiative
- Isabella Detwiler, Deputy Minister Counselor, U S Embassy/Delhi, India
- Kuljit Singh Popli, Chairman & Managing Director, Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Ltd (IREDA), India
- Brian F Keane, President, SmartPower, United States of America
- Douglas J Arent, Deputy Associate Lab Director, Scientific Computing, Energy Analysis, National Renewable Energy Laboratory, United States of America
- Michael Satin, Director, Clean Energy & Environment Office, United States Agency for International Development (USAID), United States of America
- Ruth Ku, Acting Deputy Director and Senior Energy Finance Advisor, U.S. Department of State
U.S.-India Clean Energy Finance Task Force: Investors Round Table on Alternative Investment Fund (AIF)
Wednesday, October 3, 2018
16:30 – 18:00, Hall 6C
It is a high-level session moderated by the Climate Policy Initiative (CPI). The objective is to obtain practical feedback on a proposed AIF of a diverse portfolio of operational clean energy projects that IREDA is exploring. If successful, deployment of such a financing vehicle could help mobilize capital markets investment and attract greater international investment to scale India’s clean energy sector. IREDA Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director K.S. Popli and a U.S. Department of State Senior Official will deliver opening remarks at the roundtable. In collaboration with the U.S.-India Strategic Partnership Forum, the Task Force will host the US, international and Indian institutional investors, infrastructure equity and debt funds, asset and investment managers, underwriters, commercial and multilateral development banks, developers, and credit rating agencies.
Speakers and panelists include:
- Gireesh Shrimali, Senior Advisor, Former India Director, Climate Policy Initiative
- Chintan N Shah, Director (Technical), Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Ltd (IREDA), India
- Kuljit Singh Popli, Chairman & Managing Director, Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency Ltd (IREDA), India
Special Session: US-India Clean Energy Finance Programme
Thursday, October 4, 2018
12:00 – 13:30, Hall 6B
To overcome the financing barriers and drive uptake of Distributed Renewable Energy (DRE) across a wide spectrum of developers and off-takers in India, there is a strong need for blended finance structures which can mitigate the risks for private financiers and enable crowding-in of private resources for DRE. This session, through discussions with key stakeholders, aims to highlight the importance of blended finance structures in DRE. It also focuses on two key blended finance structures being implemented: a) US-India Clean Energy Finance, a portfolio preparatory facility which has so far identified 25 projects with US$ 3.5 mn support seeking to catalyze ÙS$ 200 mn of projected debt financing and b) Credit Guarantee Mechanism, a guarantee structure under US-India Catalytic Solar Finance program.
Speakers and panelists include:
- Dhruba Purkayastha, Director, US – India Clean Energy Finance, Climate Policy Initiative, India
- Gireesh Shrimali, Senior Advisor, Former India Director, Climate Policy Initiative
- Jayant Prasad, Executive Director, cKers Finance, India
- Jiwan Acharya, Senior Energy Specialist, South Asia Department, Asian Development Bank, India
- John Balbach, Associate Director, Impact Investments, MacArthur Foundation, United States of America
- Mahua Acharya, Ex-Assistant Director-General and Head of Investment and Policy Solutions Division, Global Green Growth Institute, India
- Manish Chourasia, Managing Director, Tata Cleantech Capital Ltd, India
- Pawan Agarwal, Sr. President & Dy. Head Corporate Finance & Global Head Renewable Energy, YES Bank Ltd, India
- Upendra Bhatt, Chief Executive Officer, cKinetics, India
Corporate Renewable Energy Buyers’ Roundtable
Thursday, October 4, 2018
14:30 – 16:00, Hall 6A
This moderated panel discussion will cover policies and strategies to build a corporate buyers’ market for India’s targeted 175GW RE capacity by 2022 by exploring buyer expectations, challenges and solutions, international success stories, and requirements to scale up, including infrastructure, financing and skills management.
Speakers and panelists include:
- Gireesh Shrimali, Senior Advisor, Former India Director, Climate Policy Initiative
- Bruce Douglas, Deputy Chief Executive Officer & Chief Operating Officer, SolarPower Europe, Belgium
- Charles Donovan, Director, Centre for Climate Finance & Investment, Imperial College Business School, United Kingdom
- Gopal K Saxena, Director, BSES Rajdhani Power Ltd and BSES Yamuna Power Ltd, India
- Vikram Kailas, Vice Chairman & Managing Director, Mytrah Energy Ltd, India
ISA-GGGI Solar Project Finance: Mobilising International Funding For Green Projects
Thursday, October 4, 2018
16:30 – 18:00, Hall 1
The joint GGGI- ISA session aims to highlight success stories and deliberate collaboration options on emerging areas like innovative financing approaches and products for ramping up solar investments in the high insolation zones. The session will witness participation from DEA, MNRE, IREDA, private companies, commercial banks, delegates in renewables and others.
Speakers and panelists include:
- Dhruba Purkayastha, Director, US – India Clean Energy Finance, Climate Policy Initiative, India
- Amit Jain, Energy Specialist, World Bank, India
- Douglass Sims, Director and Senior Advisor, Green Finance Center, Natural Resources Defense Council, United States of America, India
- Gulshan Vashistha, Energy Investment Specialist, GGGI , India
- Hyoeun Jenny Kim, Deputy Director-General, Global Green Growth Institute (GGGI), India
- Mahua Acharya, Ex-Assistant Director-General and Head of Investment and Policy Solutions Division, Global Green Growth Institute, India, India
- Ritu Lal, Sr. Vice President and Head – Institutional Relations, Amplus Solar , India
- Sameer Khare, Additional Secretary, Department of Economic Affairs (DEA), Ministry of Finance, Government of India, India
- Shantanu Gotmare, Country Representative , GGGI, India
International Solar Alliance Pavilion
Thursday, October 4, 2018
Stand 16, Hall No.1
This pavilion will showcase new inventions and technologies and ISA Programmes. It will explore opportunities for investment and to do business in ISA countries. The activities at ISA Pavilion would include networking and interaction with Policymakers, Multilateral Banks & FIs, R&D Institutions & Innovators for solar innovation, Solar Project Developers and Manufacturers, Investors, Academicians, Multilateral Agencies, and Civil society to identifying & signing of solar projects including commitments for financing of the same.
Dr. Gireesh Shrimali, Senior Advisor, Former CPI India Director will speak on how CPI can contribute to ISA Member Countries.