Climate Policy Initiative is participating in several events for London Climate Action Week, July 1-8.
Driving private finance to achieve 1.5-degree objectives
July 1, 4-7pm
Bank of America Merrill Lynch London office (invite only)
Climate Policy Initiative and Bank of America Merrill Lynch will be co-hosting an event on “Driving Private finance to achieve 1.5-degree objectives.” The event will showcase innovative climate finance instruments accelerated under the Global Innovation Lab for Climate Finance while also highlighting key needs and challenges to mobilize sufficient private finance to achieve 1.5-degree objectives. Innovators driving forward these solutions will be featured, from both the implementor and investor perspectives.
Speakers will include: Michael Liebreich, Chairman and CEO of Liebreich Associates and Founder and Senior Contributor to Bloomberg New Energy Finance; Barbara Buchner, Executive Director, CPI; Abyd Karmali, Bank of America Merrill Lynch; and Ashufta Alam, UK Department for International Development, among others.
Climate Innovation Forum
July 3, 9am-5:30pm
Hilton Tower Bridge
The Climate Innovation Forum 2019 in London will focus on four themes – zero carbon energy, zero carbon buildings, zero waste, zero carbon mobility – the event will look to mobilize cross sector collaboration to develop – and deliver – innovative products, services and systems that can be scaled up on a city-wide, nation-wide and even global, level.
CPI’s Dr. Barbara Buchner will participate in a panel discussion on “Driving the zero-carbon mobility revolution,” which will look at ways to facilitate innovation in transport and accelerate the zero emission mobility revolution, and cover the following topics:
- The future of urban mobility, mass transit and logistics: zero-carbon, connected, shared, autonomous.
- What barriers can be removed to speed up the adoption of zero-carbon technologies?
- How do we finance zero-carbon mobility: from EV charging infrastructure to zero-carbon commercial fleets and large-scale mass transit systems?
- What innovations are driving the zero-carbon mobility transformation from first to last mile?
CPI’s Dr. Angela Falconer will participate in a panel on “Financing the zero-carbon transformation,” which will look at strategies to fund the zero-carbon transformation of infrastructure, energy systems and urban environments. Participants will explore the role of green bonds, consider what innovative public/private funding models are having an impact, and look at why ESG investment funds are often outperforming traditional funds.
EBRD Green Cities: Building a better and more sustainable future for cities
July 4, 9am-3:15pm
EBRD Headquarters (invite only)
The EBRD will be hosting EBRD Green Cities: Building a better and more sustainable future for cities. The event will highlight the latest trends in financing green cities. From innovative technologies to sustainable infrastructure investment, it will explore how best to tackle urban challenges and secure a better and more sustainable future for cities and their residents.
The conference will bring together the Greater London Authority, mayors and government officials from EBRD Green Cities, financial institutions, and urban and climate specialists. With a diverse range of stakeholders, participants will have the opportunity to network and share their experiences of designing and investing in sustainable cities.
CPI’s Dr. Barbara Buchner will participate in a panel discussion on,”Green Cities: Improving Lives,” in which cities and experts will share their experiences of implementing green city programs, and how such programs deliver economic and social benefits for urban residents.
Finance for Adaptation Solutions and Technologies Roundtable
July 4, 12:30-8:30pm
Willis Towers Watson office (invite only)
Dr. Barbara Buchner will speak on climate vulnerabilities and the state of adaptation finance at this half-day event.
Co-convened by Lightsmith, the Global Adaptation and Resilience Investment working group (GARI), Willis Towers Watson, the Global Commission on Adaptation (GCA), the Global Environment Facility (GEF), and Institutional Investors Group on Climate Change (IIGCC), the event is designed as a forum for announcing initial commitments to adaptation and resilience finance that can be scaled up in time for the UN Secretary General’s Climate Summit in September 2019.
Dr. Buchner’s session will:
- Provide an overview of the range of climate vulnerabilities and impacts faced by the public and private sectors.
- Highlight the recurring risk pricing challenge (e.g., municipal bond mispricing, risk to loan portfolios, etc.).
- Discuss the regulatory perspective of Central Banks
- Discuss key adaptation investment challenges
Launch of the Responsible Commodities Facility
July 4, 5-7pm
The London Stock Exchange (invite only)
Dr. Barbara Buchner and Dr. Angela Falconer will participate in this event, which will mark the launch of the Responsible Commodities Facility (RCF), a new fund created to provide financial incentives to farmers that commit to cultivation of Deforestation and Conversion Free (DCF) soy, leading to a significant reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and biodiversity loss.
RCF is design to provide bondholders with risk-adjusted returns, thus creating a sustainable financial model that can be replicated and scaled. In its initial phase, the Facility plans to allocate over 1 billion US dollars to trigger market transformation on a landscape level. The Facility will be funded by the issuance of Green Bonds listed in the London Stock Exchange.
The launch event will have the participation of senior representatives of the UK government, UN Environment, Climate Bonds Initiative, Banco do Brasil, HSBC, & Green Fund, soy buyers and traders.
The Responsible Commodities Facility is an initiative of Sustainable Investment Management, a manager of environmental funds, with the support of Partnerships for Forests.